Our Values

Christ and Scripture centred

Jesus Christ is central in all we do and believe. We believe in the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures as the complete revelation of God through Jesus Christ and His will for the salvation of all people and is our final authority for rule, life and practice.

Prayer committed

Prayer is the lifeblood of the church and the people of God. We seek God’s guidance, leading, forgiveness, healing, and empowering for His work at FBBC.

Fellowship and Community

We desire to love others as Christ loved us and welcome all to be part of God’s kingdom at FBBC. We aspire to create an inclusive community where all people can relate together, serve together and worship together in a spirit of love and unity.

Mission Focused

We are committed to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” Matt. 28:19-20